Sign Up & Secure My Spot

Automatically Have Your PowerLink, Checkmate, or Pinnacle Stock Posted to Facebook Marketplace & Craigslist Daily

Watch your yard’s profits skyrocket as you sell more in-house auto parts faster.

Sign Up Now

No contracts or commitments.

Save time or $1000s in payroll by having a computer post for you.

Sell more parts off each car in less time.

Never miss an in-yard stock auto part sale again.

Start getting more calls for parts you have in stock.

Sign Up Now

Automatically Posts New Stock to Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist

Every day during your set business hours the system checks your inventory for new cars and posts them to the FB Marketplace and/or Craigslist.

After a vehicle is posted to FB and/or Craigslist, the system keeps track of the listing and once it expires, it checks to see if the stock is still available in your inventory, if so, it automatically reposts it.

Automatically Renews & Reposts Expired Posts that are Still in Stock

Lists All the Vehicle's Parts & Images within the Post Descriptions

AutoPostStock pulls all the parts that were inventoried under the vehicle stock and lists them in the FB and Craigslist post descriptions. It also uploads and posts all the vehicle’s images to each listing.

"‎Before AutoPostStock we had a full time person posting our part cars online. After we started using the APS platform we were able to refocus the employee's time on more valuable work (inventorying to feed APS :) ) and in the process we realized how much slower a person doing it manually was and how much was missed when our part inquiries increased by almost 3x in the first week. Our most profitable month followed right after. Highly recommended."‎

Denis U. - Manager

Monster Junkyard

Package Pricing

No contracts or commitments. Stay with us because you want to.

Single Platform Package

Includes 1 Platform
(Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist**)

Unlimited Monthly Posts or Reposts

One-time Setup $997

Monthly Cost $97

Secure My Spot

No contracts or commitments. Stay with us because you want to.

1 Yard Location

Full Package

Includes 2 Platforms
(Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist**)

Unlimited Monthly Posts or Reposts

One-time Setup $1497

Monthly Cost $194

Secure My Spot

No contracts or commitments. Stay with us because you want to.

1 Yard Location

** While posting on the FB Marketplace is free, Craigslist charges $3/post directly to you. We do not middleman this charge.

Dramatically increase monthly auto part sales and profits with 0 additional effort.

Sign Up Now & Secure My Spot

Copyright AutoPostStock © 2021 All Rights Reserved

Questions? or View FAQ's

No contracts or commitments.

Please Note:  Due to the high volume of new sign ups. At this moment, the earliest installation dates are booking from January 8th & up.

(Ending January 7th)

Limited Time Discount:  Get 75% Off until February 15 or after the first 25 sign ups by using discount code 75OFF today.